
Get full observability across your entire infrastructure, your data and platforms. Debug quickly, track usage, and make informed decisions.

Visibility drives success

Bring the metrics that matter most into one easy-to-use dashboard. Get the real-time insights you need to grow your company.

Supercharge reporting

Ensure that you are on top of everything that your business is involved in, from tracking inventory, product sales to the performance of marketing campaigns.

Data-driven decisions

Gain a holistic understanding of your business.

Impact results at scale

Put an end to one-size-fits-all reports and statistics. Create dynamic health scores that measure success [ along the customer journey].

See what's trending

Get an instant snapshot of a customer's history over any metric to see how their success is trending over any period of time.

Integrations made easy

Build dynamic v­i­s­u­a­l­i­z­a­t­i­o­n­s

Achieve a more accurate picture of your business and the systems. customer health with Health Scores, which dynamically adjust metrics and measurements based on lifecycle stage, segment, and more.

Measure your success

Create business-driven calculations to determine measurements of successful customer experiences.

Impact results at scale

Leverage real-time automation to instantly capture and address critical changes in customer Success Metrics.

See what's trending

Get an instant snapshot of a customer's history over any metric to see how their success is trending over any period of time.

Integrations made easy

Stay on top of your business processes

Track business success

C­u­s­t­o­m­i­z­e dashboards with powerful widgets, or integrate business insights from tools such as [Looker].

Monitor performance

Set KPIs and track the effectiveness of campaigns or popularity of products.

Gain advanced insights

Efficiently monitor critical metrics such as sales performance, stock levels, and portfolio health across your entire o­r­g­a­n­i­z­a­t­i­o­n.

Keep stakeholders informed

Our reporting and monitoring software helps teams being informed on what is going on.

Reduce potential risk

Our monitoring allows for immediate and automated actions, alerting or mitigating in case of any issues or disruptions. Gather better insights and reduce risks by having a better understanding of what is going on.

Accelerate response

Be able to respond faster to incidents. Catch issues before they affect your customers or business.

Pick the integration that's right for you

Attlaz provides flexible integration options that simplify monitoring and reporting from any platform without compromising on reliability and security

How our customers achieve more with v­i­s­u­a­l­i­z­a­t­i­o­n­s

Get notified
Post messages on Slack channel if there is any new invoice created inside your ERP platform.
Get notified
Get notifications in any platform if there is an order made in your ecommerce (such as Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, ...).
Get notified
Get notifications in your preferred channels (such as Slack, Team, Whatsapp, ...) for all the orders made inside your any platform online store.
Predict what is likely to happen and why, based on reliable data analysis.
Generate reports
Generate c­u­s­t­o­m­i­z­a­b­l­e reports. Merge data from multiple sources to have a full overview.
Enhancement of data
Improve your internal data by cleansing, merging with external sources, ...
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