Simple, powerful, flexible workflow automation

Automate processes the way you want across any cloud stack.
Workflow automation

Work Smarter and Faster

Free up your team's time to focus on work that matters most. Reduce human errors, take faster actions and reduce costs. Use hundreds of pre-built building blocks that automate repetitive, mundane tasks with ease.

Your business on autopilot

As o­r­g­a­n­i­z­a­t­i­o­n­s move from automating tasks to automating full business processes they require a platform like Attlaz to help orchestrate a series of human and machine tasks into an end-to-end flow.

Automate recurring workflows

Stop wasting resources on manual actions that can be automated. Attlaz incorporates business events and systems actions to move from integration to true business automation.

Up-level your efficiency

Define and trigger automated workflows to eliminate manual efforts, making repetitive work a thing of the past.

Increase responsiveness

Instantly respond to any business event, with native triggers for a massive number of apps, or publish any Attlaz workflow as a webhook, and trigger it from any Webhook-enabled app in your stack. Trigger workflows from web forms, emails, or even automatically based on changes in data.

Integrations made easy

P­r­i­o­r­i­t­i­z­e Work, Automate the rest

U­t­i­l­i­z­e powerful workflows to free your team from repetitive, routine tasks so they can devote their attention to what is most important.

Put Your Data on Autopilot

Increase your team's productivity by automating and streamlining workflows.

Scale Your Workflows

U­t­i­l­i­z­e powerful logic to plan for a wide variety of outcomes using the same set of filters within an automation workflow.

Stay Informed in Real Time

Proactively detect issues or new expansion opportunities with real-time indicators and alerts.

Easy and Powerful Integrations

Automate anything

Reduce errors

Remove human errors by using tested components.

Focus on your core product

O­p­t­i­m­i­z­e your workforce and reduce operational resources by mitigating repetitive tasks.

Reduce costs

Automate away costs across the o­r­g­a­n­i­z­a­t­i­o­n with c­u­s­t­o­m­i­z­a­b­l­e flows.

Scale faster

Be able to react faster to higher demands

Increase productivity

Automate workflows and actions that you've been doing manually. Attlaz works in the background to automatically update and alert you to streamline processes, reduce errors, and scale faster.

Increase efficiency

C­e­n­t­r­a­l­i­z­e and streamline your workflows by automating manual tasks, connecting processes, and reinforcing best practices on the Attlaz platform.

Pick the integration that's right for you

Attlaz provides flexible integration options that simplify automating any platform without compromising on reliability and security

Easy for citizen automators...

Attlaz helps citizen developers — the ones often closest to the business opportunities or challenges — create solutions through workflows — in minutes.

... c­u­s­t­o­m­i­z­a­b­l­e by developers

while Attlaz also allows for fully customization by developers or more advanced automators.

How our customers achieve more with automations

Order s­y­n­c­h­r­o­n­i­z­a­t­i­o­n
S­y­n­c­h­r­o­n­i­z­e order and financial information between any platform and other platform.
Enrich products
Enrich product data with data from external sources, AI generated content, ...
Add customers to CRM
Automatically add people who have ordered from your any platform Store in a CRM you may use.
Generate labels
Automatically generate shipment labels, print them and send them for pick up management.
Realtime prices
Show realtime prices on your webshop based on your suppliers prices, the predicted demand or other factors.
Add customers to CRM
Automatically add people who have ordered from your ecommerce store in a any platform.
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