Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


What is CRM

CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, refers to both the strategy and the technology that businesses use to manage interactions with their customers. At its core, a CRM system allows organizations to store, organize, and a­n­a­l­y­z­e customer data, enabling them to better understand their customers' needs and preferences. It serves as a comprehensive solution that fosters effective communication, enhances customer service, and drives sales growth.

Why CRM benefits businesses

The use of CRM systems can benefit organizations ranging from small businesses to large corporations, through:
  • Centralized Customer Data:
    One of the fundamental aspects of a CRM system is its ability to consolidate customer information into a single, easily accessible database. This includes contact details, purchase history, communication records, preferences, and more. By having a holistic view of each customer, businesses can personalize their interactions and provide tailored experiences.
  • Enhanced Communication:
    CRM systems enable businesses to communicate with customers through various channels, such as email, phone, and social media, all from a single platform. This streamlines communication and ensures a consistent and timely response to customer inquiries, leading to improved satisfaction and engagement.
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment:
    A CRM system facilitates better collaboration between sales and marketing teams. By integrating marketing campaigns and sales activities, businesses can align their efforts, nurture leads, and track customer interactions throughout the sales funnel. This coordination enhances efficiency and increases the likelihood of converting prospects into loyal customers.
  • Analytics and Reporting:
    CRM systems offer robust reporting and analytics capabilities that provide valuable insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and overall business growth. By analyzing data trends and patterns, organizations can make informed decisions, optimize their marketing strategies, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Automation and Efficiency:
    CRM systems automate repetitive tasks and workflows, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more critical activities. From lead management and contact segmentation to email marketing and follow-up reminders, automation boosts efficiency, reduces human error, and enhances productivity.

Common CRM use-cases and workflows

Get notified
Get notifications in your preferred channels (such as Slack, Team, Whatsapp, ...) for all the orders made inside your CRM online store.
Add customers to CRM
Automatically add people who have ordered from your ecommerce store in a CRM.
Generate reports
Generate c­u­s­t­o­m­i­z­a­b­l­e reports. Merge data from multiple sources to have a full overview.
Enhancement of data
Improve your internal data by cleansing, merging with external sources, ...
Predict what is likely to happen and why, based on reliable data analysis.
Lead engagement
Automatically send email to leads who submit the contact form and floating in website based on their behavior in your website or a landing page.
P­e­r­s­o­n­a­l­i­s­e email at scale
Send p­e­r­s­o­n­a­l­i­z­e­d emails based on customer intelligence data from any source. Send email to leads who submit the contact form and floating in website based on their behavior in your website or a landing page.
Integrate support
Integrate CRM with any support software like Freshdesk, Zoho desk to engage spontaneously.
Create invoice
Create invoices in your accounting software for the customers getting created in CRM.
Import contacts
Integrate any other CRM or a spreadsheet to automatically migrate the data of contacts to CRM
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